It’s a Real Life Unicorn Farm®
Welcome to
The Unicorn Farm®

Did you know right here in Fountain Inn, SC is an amazing place for educational fun with farm animals and outdoor play for children? And, of course, unicorns!…

Support local farms and business at Hidden Pasture Unicorn Farm
Explore the farm’s wonders, connect with nature, and animals, and for an enriching experience.
Farm Life
Our Animals
Our Real Life Unicorns® started from various backgrounds. Many of our precious equines are kill-pen rescues, some are retired show ponies, but they are all loved and adored for the unicorns they are in our hearts!
Farm Highlights
Donate to the Farm

Remodel the Chicken Coop
Something has gone a-fowl! Our chicken population is growing and we need to build more space for our feathered friends.

Donate for Donkeys
Our donkeys are such great members of our farm. They are in need of new watering troughs.

Happy Goats
Our happy goats love to run amok. They need your support because they would love to have new climbing obstacles to play on.